The Multi-Pistol Holster (MPH) is an injection molded thermoplastic elastomer holster that fits most full size handguns, including Glock, Sig, S&W, etc. The holster is symmetrically designed to be ambidextrous and with contoured surfaces for maximum comfort. The rigid nylon belt clips can be reconfigured for inside or outside the waistband carry. The hooks securely attach to belts up to 1 ½”?.
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The Multi-Pistol Holster (MPH) is an injection molded thermoplastic elastomer holster that fits most full size handguns, including Glock, Sig, S&W, etc. The holster is symmetrically designed to be ambidextrous and with contoured surfaces for maximum comfort. The rigid nylon belt clips can be reconfigured for inside or outside the waistband carry. The hooks securely attach to belts up to 1 ½”?.
Compatible Weapons include
G17, G19, G20, G21, G22, G23, G26, G27, G29, G30, G31, G32, G33, G36
Heckler & Koch
Smith & Wesson
M&P9, M&P40, M&P45
M&P9C, M&P40C, M&P45C
Sig Sauer
P220, P226, P227, P250, P320
XD, XDM, XD Mod2, XD Sub Compact